Smart Classroom

Technology has become an integral part of education system at present times. The visuals strengthened with the fantastic audio consisting of voices of various characters add to the interest of the learners thus making teaching-learning quiet effective. The institution has many such rooms as equiped with latest gadgets to meet with this purpose, In collobration with "Teach next" Agency, students enjoy a lot while receiving new pieces of information related to their respective subjects with adding to their stretch of imagination.
Smart Class is a comprehensive solution designed to assist teachers in meeting with their day to day classroom challenges and enhancing students academic performance with simple, practical and meaningful use of technology. Smart Class provides teachers with instant access to multimedia content and instruction materials mapped exactly to the specific curriculum guidelines for use in class. It also enable teachers to instant access and evaluate the learning achieved by their students in class with innovative use of technology. It is also highly efficient in maintaining students' interest and engagement in learning inside the classroom. Smart Class simplifies the abstract curriculum concepts that are difficult for students to visualize or relate to, through the provision of three-dimensional, interactive multimedia modules.