



“Books are the gift of life and a man's best friend”. They offer a rich stock house of knowledge that remains forever with an individual throughout his life. Keeping the importance of books in view, a spacious well - stocked library serves as a special feature of the school.Books related to different subject and fields are  available for the students besides Newspapers, Magazines and Journals. Having separate arrangements  for students and teachers, this place becomes the best one for them during leisure and in need.


                                                                     The Role Of School Library

The school library is integral to the teaching and learning process. The school library ensures that each student has equitable access to resources, irrespective of home opportunities or constraints.

While the role of the school library remains constant, its design, digital platform, strategies and tools change as pedagogy and technology changes.

  • Create and develop motivating, flexible physical and digital learning spaces.
  • Run independent learning programs, which integrate information resources and technologies.
  • Equip students with the skills necessary to succeed in a constantly changing technological, social and economic environment.
  • Collaborate with classroom teachers to plan, implement and evaluate inquiry-based programs that will ensure students acquire skills to collect, critically analyze and organize information, problem-solve and communicate their findings.
  • Provide and promote quality fiction to develop and sustain in students the habit and enjoyment of reading for pleasure and to enrich students intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth.
  • Cater for differences in learning and teaching styles through the provision of, and equality of access to, a wide range of curriculum resources - fiction and non-fiction, digital, print, audio and video.

Provide teachers with access to relevant curriculum information and professional development materials within and outside the school; and opportunities to cooperatively plan, implement and evaluate learning programs